Friday, March 14, 2008

An Idea

Wow what a week!! Its been busy busy busy.
I have done alot of thinking this week about all sorts of things, transport to work and back, studies, starting a business, starting a charity foundation. I think its time I start putting my thoughts into action.....just not 100% sure how, it might have to be a learning curve for me.
Let me tell you more about my charity foundation. It would be called "TEACH A MAN TO FISH" and basically what i want to do is to take street kids and get them rehabilitated from drugs and psychologically, so that they can become accustomed to a "new" way of life. Then I want to get them into school again but most importantly also to teach them how they can become entrepreneurs themselves (teach them to "fish"). The way I see it is there are two types of street kids, the ones who had opportunities(whether its living in a shack and being able to go to school or living in a decent environment) but are too lazy to do do anything and the ones who where born and raised on the street, after a while living on the street becomes a way of life and being moved to a new and better way of life just doesn't work for them, for them its not normal to live in these better conditions, and thats why so many street kids return to the streets. Now i haven't done any research on this matter so i don't know how accurate everything is but its the way i see it!! Anyway i don't just want a place where street kids can just eat and sleep like many of the homeless shelters, i want it to be more! Not sure what the more completely entails but i will figure it out. All i need to do is get INSIDE their heads and fix them. :)
Will keep you updated on my Ideas and progress about "TEACH A MAN TO FISH Foundation".

PS: Have a great weekend!

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